Saturday, 21 November 2009

The Ironman digs digs so deep, he goes undergound

It was Thursday night in the Seven Kings and the testorone was flowing. Forecast for Saturday was more torrential rain and galeforce winds. The Posse was split, would we, won't we, go for the usual Saturday morning outing. It was agreed that it would be character building. Bigman accepted that wimps did not need to come out if they felt a little rain was going to be too much!
That seemed to sway the views and a unanimous vote agreed we would go for it. A slight compromise was to head to Stirling and avoid the hills. It has been some weeks since we last visited Corrieri's Cafe and its world famous hot apple and toffee pie.

Bigman's mobile phone sang out its alert a text had been received at 07.30 on Saturday morning. The Fit One was a late call off. The Shredder has maintained radio silence this week, and Santiago had other commitments, so the Posse was reduced to The Ironman and Bigman.

The weather, as it transpired was calm with bright sunshine to complement the freshly washed road surfaces. The cruise through to Stirling was majestic with an average speed of 29km per hour and a top speed of 46km per hour which was held for a few miles as the pair breezed along the dual caraigeway on the Stirling side of Alloa. Taking turns at the front gave each rider a recovery period and assisted in maintaining a great pace to the carbing stop.

On commenting on the lack of blogging by The Ironman ( subtle suggestion of slacking from Bigman) he confirmed he has been digging deep in his resolve to up the training commitment and has kept his training regime under wraps and not been exposing it to the blog due to work commitments. 1110 bloggers feel this is not in the spirit of the Posse and an official reprimand has been issued.

At Corrieri's, Bigman went for the world famous hot apple and toffee pie supported by a fine dollup of vanilla ice cream. The Ironman carbed up on a muffin. A pot of tea and toast was ordered for The Fit One in order that we could feel he was with the Posse, if only in spirit. A quick phone call was made to The Fit One for a couple of reasons. 1) to confirmed he was feeling better, 2) to advise him we had ordered tea and toast for him and 3) to ask for his credit card details as it was his turn to pay!

The Fit One did let slip that a new Bike Shop was opening in Alva and champagne would be on offer should the Posse pop by. Rumour has it, after the succss of the Christmas Lights switching on ceremony, that he was to officially open the shop as a Posse Personality. The 'P' Factor.

As the pair re-mounted their machines, it became clear the wind has significantly increased and not heading in their direction. This would be tough shift.

With Christmas only four weeks away, it would appear the spirit is getting to some more than others. Having passed the Queen's residence at Glen Ochil, the next village introduced the Posse to a couple of space cadets, well four actually. Young guys spaced out on something running down the road to charge the posse yelling unintelligable tribal war cries. Clearly their re-habilitation programme is taking a while to become effective. It is a sad sight on a Saturday morning to see such behaviour.

A few miles later on, on a narrow stretch of road, a lady driver ( fact not sex discimination!) tried to take the middle of the road. When forced to go through a puddle, puting some specs of dirt on her freshly washed car, she chose to share her air horn with the posse. Merry Christmas and joy to the world it shouted , (not!).

After all this excitement, the return through Saline was uneventful. A short, sharp climb, up the main street and the run was done.

75k closer to the Cape Epic. Bigman is of to Lanzarote later in the week to do some serious winter training (which he will keep under wraps in an Ironman sort of way).

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