The Indian summer continues unabated and The Bigman and the Wee Yin decide to make the most of the fine weather and re-visit the Caledonian etape route for the first time since the disastrous Tack fiasco earlier in the year.
They set off from Pitlochry with some cloud and intermittent sunshine. It was not long before the clouds were burnt away and the countryside was shining in resplendant autumnal colours as the the fearns begin to turn and the trees start to shed their leaves in readiness for the winter snow.
The Wee Yin has lost none of her Alpine climbing ability as she zoomed up the Queens View.They witnessed an international incident as a Belgian bus and a Dutch bus danced with each other on the narrow raod. The bikes zipped past while the car drivers was with bemusement.
The Community Council have got together to run a cafe and post office in Kinloch Rannoch and this was the destination for the first coffee stop of the day. Quality food and a friendy environment. Bigman considered asking after the Tack man however grace kicked in before the words escaped and he moved on without question. There was very little wind and the Loch was stil in many areas.
As they approached the end of the loch, they met a couple who had lived in Cape Town for most of their lives before returning to Scotland. Bigman could not miss the opportunity to do a bit of a reckie for Cape Epic. Stunning scenery and lovely temperatures. Be sure to take in a game park was the advice. ( Clearly, The Ironman's reputation goes before him) It seems so near yet so far next March. Bigman is living the dream now. They circumvented the loch and headed back the route from which they had come. A couple of reasons - all the tacks may not be washed away and secondly Bigman had to be back for fives that evening. The reduced route of 65 miles would allow for a spot of lunch at the Loch Tummel Inn with stunning views over the loch.
Pitlochry was merely a short hop back. At an average speed of 26kph and elapsed time of just under 4 hours, a fantastic day out was had and it was great to experience such brilliant hospitality once again from the people of Perthshire. Bigman is about to sign up for Caledonian Etape 2010. Amongst his cycling compadres and in his 51st year, he will be in a class of his own, The Master Class.
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