Another cracking day in Fife., blue skies, no wind, and it is Saturday. With pressing plumbing problems, the Ironman had to call off and so it was a reduced posse of Bigman, Wee Yin, and The Fit One that set off to circumvent the Forth estuary on our favourite 'two bridge' route. They will cover 45 miles of coast line including the industrialised Grangemouth to the historic village of Culross.

As the team crossed the Forth Bridge, they were rewarded with spectacular views out to the Forth with a 'brucey bonus' of the Queen Mary cruise ship sitting in the centre of the river making a visit to Edinburgh.
Much discussion centred on The Fit One's impending trip to France on holiday as the miles passed. A slight frost hung around the fields as they spun towards Linlithgow where upon it was a right turn and up through Boness before a quick downhill and through the oil refinery in Grangemouth.
It has been a few months since the posse have travelled this route and certainly not since the very fine cycle route alongside the motorway has been finished. It is great to see such investment and, in addition it is maintained free from debris.
They stopped at the cafe in Kincardine as The Wee Yin was in need of some food. The Fit One succumbed to a square sausage roll. Now that is carbing at a serious level. A text came through from The Ironman confirming his plumbing is sorted and now working again. He will be relieved!
en route to Culross, it is good to see the cycle track is being extended to Kincardine with a very fibe tarmac surface. This should encourage more families to make this journey. The trip through Culross is always a joy with this quaint little village always providing an interesting vist what ever the weather.
At Cairneyhill, the team popped into their favourinte bike shop, Hardie Bikes, to see Bill and have a squeak sorted on the Madone. Job done,and it was a breeze back to Dunfie and another 45 miles completed towards the Cape Epic 2010.
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