I'd been out in the fog yesterday and man it was cold.
When I was in the States in November I'd invested in a pair of over-trousers. These are not any over trousers but Eddie Bauer overtrousers. They are very well made, warm and very waterproof. All of which are excellent except when climbing Knockhill on a milder than expected morning.
By the time the Bigman had lead the charge up the climb I have to say that I wasn't just up to temperature but well overheated. I had to stop. Whilst dis-robing the boys noticed I was wearing a rather attractive designer belt over the top of my waterproofs. As a note on the blog in my defence I only need the belt because I've lost a pound or 2. The reveal was like one of those scenes in the biggest loser where the newly slimmed down person stands beside his previous attire.....
My fashion reveal went down very well and I became the butt of much good natured humour. I enjoy the company of the posse because they are inevitably relentless and genuinely very funny when the opportunity arises.
It was interesting but after being released from the 'wrong' trousers I felt much better and released to climb in relative ease.
The scones in the coffee shop were so outstanding the Bigman announced that he was on his Christmas diet and promptly organised an empire biscuit - well it is Christmas! Over coffee we debated our trip.
We climbed over the hills back to Saline and despite the miserable weather had a great time.
Cheese Grommit!
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