It is Monday and the Scotrail employees are reeking havoc with the transport system. First the Fife Flyer to Glasgow is cancelled. Then, on the return journey, the Fife Flyer was spotted resting in its usual siding just outside Polmont as the Edinburgh train went by. Bigman hopped off the train to change at Linlithgow, confident in the knowledge the Fife Flyer would be along soon.
Not so. A darkened out train crawled past on its way to get in position for its journey tomorrow. And so Bigman had to wait on the next Edinburgh bound train before heading out to Inverkeithing and onto Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre for a workout in the gym before the spin class.
It is true to say the enthusiasm was low, however, as the music pumped out and the beat began to get faster the legs kicked into overdrive, the pours began to open, and the floods began!
It is a long day on a Monday when the weekend exertions have passed and you are 'fresh' for a Monday full of interesting events.
The Ironman is away on business in Fort William and enjoying the small yet perfectly formed gym in his hotel.
No doubt he is enjoying the pudding!
Just over two weeks to go and the sponsorship levels are mounting.
If you have not already donated to the cause, don't loose the opportunity!
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