Today was always planned as a day for reflection. 20:20 hindsight shows the title of our adventure as wholly appropriate. It was indeed an epic caper.
As Bigman watched the cloud base known as 'the table cloth' move over table mountain against a scorching midday sun with the harbour area in front oozing with people and boats moving around each busy in their own lives, a Hagen Daz in hand, it is difficult not conclude this has indeed been an experience.
The people in South Africa have been fantastic, incredibly friendly, and always keen to assist.
The cycle around the Argus route (110km road bike race from Cape Town to the Cape of Good Hope and back with 30,000 participants in cluding Lance Armstrong run 2 weeks ago) on Sunday will be a memory that sticks with us both for an eternity. The climb up Chapmans Peak was awesome and the cliff side drops only served to dramatise and phenomenal vista. One of the many unplanned experiences on our epic caper.
Conclusions will be drawn on these pages over the coming days and the plans are already forming for next years Epic Caper which might include Around the World. For now it is time for Out of Africa ........................ maybe!
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