Monday 8 March 2010

Taper time on the bike

As I wandered into the gym at Cowdenbeath I saw the Bigman already warming up on the cross trainer. By the time I'd dropped off my kit he was pounding out, in a shillings and pence way, reps on the spin bike.....

It was to be a blether session. Kit was discussed. In reality, we both need to read the kit list and make sure that we have everything that is required. We have both spent the resources of a small country to make this trip a success. Everytime you see something that you need the temptation is to say well it's only £20 but by the time you've had 20 of the £20 things the damage soon adds up. Fortunately Wee Yin and Moonwalker are very understanding woman greet the incoming mail with a smile and wonder which part of the extravagance has just arrived! We are lucky to have such supportive partners!

Memories of the send off party were shared and we laughed at some great tales of what was a superb night. We're blessed to have great friends and many people have donated kindly to the charity with donations marching relentlessly to the £2k target. We're not there yet so keep giving if you feel you can and want to.

The guys in band, Father Jack, also had a great evening and now we've listened back to the recordings are reasonably happy with the output. I'll send a link to Waveriders video once it's posted on You Tube.

After the bike was finished we did a few sit ups and we were done.

Sunday was another lovely day and a good chance for a ride with Moonwalker and Waverider. We made our way to the bike path and enjoyed a blast out together. Waverider is building confidence on the bike and by the end was flying along. A new biker is born and I look forward to him joining the posse soon!

So 7 working days left, 1 weekend and lots still to do.

The Cape Epic 2010 is truly upon us and with less than 2 weeks to go the excitment is building and building and building.

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