Monday 7 September 2009

Weekend Catch Up.....

What a weekend - quite amazing.

Thought I'd catch up with the activity of the weekend. The boys had been over and we had taken part in the annual competition for the golf mug - more hotly competed for than the Ryder Cup.....needless to say I didn't win.

One of the golfers over from Ireland was the Gasman, an anaesthetist by profession, joined us on the bike ride. The Fit One kindly provided the felt from his growing stock of bikes and also a pair of shoes. He's a good man that Fit One. So we set off top the Bigman's to be met by the wee yin and duracell. The bike ride was wet. Very wet. Oh and cold. Shorts were very inappropriate!

We climbed Knockhill sharing the stories of the week. The Fit One and Gasman leading the climb with the rest of us blethering through the rain. It felt like a November morning, again! The rain briefly abated at Yetts O Muckart, not for long but long enough to reach the fab Loch Leven's Larder. As the bigman said the carb loading went down a storm with the fruit scones (and square sausage) going down a storm!

The ride home was great and we all were glad to get back and into the shower to warm up. The Gasman enjoyed the ride - it was a good 75km round trip which was a bit longer than his normal bike run but he coped easily and we all enjoyed his company. The Gasman is one of life's gentlemen. A great friend and he is welcome to join the Crusaders any time.

Sunday was a run day. I planned to do 18 miles but had to stop after 12 because of chaffing. It was really painful. I've made some really stupid mistakes going running recently like forgetting water but to forget to vaseline my bits was a stupid in the extreme and I learnt a painful lesson! The shower after was an experience I'll not forget!

So the week ahead is lining up - run/bike tomorrow, bike Wednesday and then run again Thursday. Lots of work to do this week so going to have to make the time in the midst of it all.

Feeling good. 4 weeks to Loch Ness marathon......

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