Tuesday, 12 January 2010

The Empire strikes back ................

Yesterday was a day of 'rest' for Bigman. A departure from home for work at 7.00 and a return at 23.15 after a day of contract discussions at the lawyers office and no time left for training.

Rise and shine, Carpe Diem, it a new day and looking forward to another day at the lawyers followed by a 2 hour session at Cowdenbeath. It was all going fine until Bigman arrived at Cowdenbeath to find he has left his kit in Dunfermline.

Home at 19:40 and the heating has packed in. A quick tinker and its still not working. Does he feel like dashing to the gym? Not a chance. A sit down with a nice Glenfiddich sounds more inviting.

The Wee Yin encourages him to go to the gym ( kicks him out the house) . He is tired, he is hungry and he does not want to do this tonight.

He starts with 30 minutes on the step machine building up the heart rate to 150 bpm. a 20 minute session on the weights and then back on to the bike for a sustained 35 minute session at level 16 with 150 bpm heart rate. The tide was rising in the compact and bijou gym as the water gushed out every pore. Not a pretty site.

And in the end, Bigman feels refreshed. Funny how it works.

And to the title? The lawyers office makes the finest home baked Empire Biscuits and despite the tight training regime some things in life are made to be appreciated and enjoyed. The Empire Biscuit is just such an instance.

Tomorrow is another day

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