We were on the bikes, not road but mountain and not off road but on road if that makes any sense. The snow is melting, not entirely melted, but melting and ice sheet were replaced by the joyous sight of tarmac. Snow was replaced by rain. Normally we all hate rain but for some reason it seemed to fall in a glorious shower to welcome the Bigman and myself back to the Fife roads.
It was great to be back. We were exhilarated, excited and enthusiastic. Any more e's and we'd have been like a couple of kids after a chocolate overdose. It was going to be difficult to keep the pace measured to start with - we didn't and flew off like a pair of dementors banished by a Harry Potter spell. We were still in Crossford not Hogwarts but we were flying. Our wheels barely touched the tarmac as we accelerated through Crossford. The chat was good, the breathing deep and the pace hot.
We were 9mph off a speeding fine as we flashed through the speed cam. I was surprised and disappointed that we didn't get a ticket. I think I held the Bigman back from collecting a well earned 3 points!
We ploughed on to Culross, the Bigman enjoying the refreshment of the cool, slightly minging spray from my back wheel. He didn't share my enthusiam for leading and was often found leading the posse out today.
We were grateful the 29mph wind didn't materialise. Although as we breezed towards Stirling even the cars seemed to respect the posse as they bided their time behind us. It was either that or the blinding spray from my back wheel.
After the turn back into the wind the Bigman lead us forward. Obviously, I was considerate and didn't feel that he needed to suffer anymore so I let him take the lead. The 29mph wind wasn't 29mph but it was a stiff breeze and the Bigman was leading us strongly into it. We pushed it hard up the hill from Stirling to Dollar in the relentless rain. Partly just wanting to get it done but also enjoying looking at the scenery even in the rain.
The road passes the Ochils on the left and Glenochil Institution on the hill on the right. An odd conflict between the freedom that the hills offer to the incarceration of prison. It made me think.
We worked hard sharing the lead up to the point we parted company in Dollar.
Today was great. The weather was rubbish. It was cold. It was fantastic. I was out with a great friend, I'm feel fit, heathly, strong and I'm loving it.
Thoughts turned to South Africa today. We have the hotels booked, the cars sorted and are working out the parts and kit we need. The gap is the cycle jerseys but they are in hand.
I can't wait to get out again! Oh and if the Council needs some grit they can come and take it out of my eyes......

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