Thursday, 14 January 2010

Triple Chocolate Muffin............... is it worth it?

Thank crunchie it is Thursday. The end of the week is getting closer. After pushing the boundaries last night, Bigman opted for a lighter session this evening. Well shorter in timespan but not in intensity.

Little Nemo was going to Dalgety Bay for Fitball Class and so the timing was constrained ( no complaint) to 1 hour .......................... or thereby.

30 minutes on the treadmill burnt over 450 calories and covered 3.5 miles. There is no question the pores were open. Bigman is developing a honed skill in lip reading. He frequently forgets the earphones to plug in and so ends up doing lots of lip reading on football managers on Sky Sports Programmes. Some words are easier than others, especially when they are pitch side!

The step machines were engaged and so it was onto the bike. With only 30 minutes remaining, he cranked up the resistance to 15 from minute number one and cranked away for 30 minutes burning another 350 calories.

When you consider a Tesco triple chocolate muffin has 500 calories, it does call into question whether the taste is worth burning 30 minutes on an exercise bike at a stiff resistance. One to ponder upon at the lawyers office tomorrow where the empire biscuits will be back on display.

Bigman is confident they have less calories and definitely worth getting on a bike to enjoy

Tomorrow is Friday and a different exercise regime is probable for tomorrow evening.

It remains to be seen whether the weather is really going to take away the snow for Saturday

Time will tell.

Nine weeks today and we will be in South Africa. Less than 60 training days to go.

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