The Posse Ecosse will need to watch for speeding trains in South Africa
Bigman and The Fit One had a rendezvous at Cowdenbeath Leisure Centre to pound a few kilometres and burn a few calories.
The Fit One had to go through an assessment centre as his pass only covers the metropolis of Clackmannanshire. The instructor took one look at the physique and immediately passed him as one who needs no more instruction. Immediately, like a caged animal, he pounced on the treadmill, plumbed in the ipod and started to move at pace.
Meanwhile, Bigman had to resort to immediately getting on the bike as the step machines were both occupied. 50 minutes made up of 5 minute intervals at 60 rpm and 80+rpm all at level 15 and then a burst up the Witches Hat ( DAY 3 climb) at level 20for the penultimate 5 minutes before winding down at level 5.
During this session, The Fit One had mounted the next bike and , had he been connected to a generator, he would have generated enough electricity to light up a small town with the pace of revolutions per minute. He set himself a challenge to 'catch up' with Bigman by cycling faster over a shorter period. Like so often on the Bus Museum Sprint, it was too little too late!
The Bigman excelled himself in spurting out a few gallons of sweat over the surrounding area. So much so, that notwithstanding Bigman making reasonable endeavours to tidy up after him, the attendant brought out a mop to clean the floor. This is a new record. According to the attendant he normally waits until Bigman leaves however tonight the volume was too much to leave on the floor!
Bigman headed for the situp mat and rattled off 220 before moving to a set on the weights. And then as a warm down, the step machine was available.
Over 1000 calories burnt off over the 90 minutes of hard graft. Another night nearer the Cape Epic experience of a lifetime.
The Posse Ecosse has put so much into this training, they will make it to South Africa even if they have to learn to fly a BA plane themselves!
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