It's been a long but interesting day. I took this photo on the way to Fort William this morning. Sometimes my job takes me to the best places in the world.....The white in the picture is a frozen loch - it was -10 deg as I drove through Glencoe.
After a trip to Fort William I arrived home mid afternoon after 5 hours in the car and thought to myself that work can wait. So I changed and jumped onto the spin bike.
I did a similar session to the Bigman's of last night. Ramping it up and speeding up as time elapsed. I enjoyed it and the couple of days of rest have done me good. I felt fresh and up for a hard spin set.
So I ploughed it out for 45 minutes. Then it was on to the weights and sit ups. I mixed upper body work with some core before finishing off with a few stretches.
This training malarky can be a great brain clearer. After a shower I headed out to the office and with the energy still coursing through my veins the work flowed and the focus produced excellent concentration. I looked up to see Moonwalker arriving home and suddenly it was 6pm and time to head off to bike maintenance.
The Fit One had other engagements and that left the Cape Town 2 to meet up with our patient and excellent teacher, Iain. I thought about a blog name and Re-cykler seemed appropriate. He was excellent and tonight's course was what to do in the event of an on course disaster. We learned how to true a wheel, fix broken gears, how to deal with damaged brakes, fixing a broken chain, a ripped tyre and broken gears. In fact any disaster that you could possibly imagine was discussed and the quick fix demonstrated.
We go to Cape Town fitter than we've ever been, with some degree of bike fixing knowledge, having researched the route and worked out nutrition strategies.
It's going to be a massive challenge both physically and mentally.
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