Tuesday 16 June 2009

the great escape.....

The bigman dug the tunnel and I accepted his kind offer to escape for a 90 minute blast through the west Fife countryside. The agreed escape route was from Carnock, up to the cycle path, Clackmannan, Culross and home via Col De Carnock.

The trip was some 40km completed in a fairly gentle 27kph average but it was windy in our defence. We swapped tails of thorny punctures, long office hours and the continuing unsettled weather. Albeit we got round today in the dry but it looked like some parts had been through a good hosing a few minutes in advance of our arrival.

Couple of things to add to the last post - Today no quarter was given and none was asked. We cycled the majority of the route side by side, no helping in the wind, taking shelter or leading taking your turn. It was a training ride and to maximise the benefit of a brisk easterly you take the wind in your own face. The burn in my legs as we crossed the new link road to the Kincardine Bridge was testament to the speed we did into the wind.

The bigman is a climber of some class. He has developed speed and strength that will stand him in good stead in South Africa. The last climb today was tricky - slippy road, slick tyres and about an inch of rubber touching the road at any given point. The top of the Col de Carnock was really slippy and I glanced up to see the bigman spin his back wheel round on the steaming road. He held his balance with grace, put the foot down and managed to avoid what I thought was going to be an inevitable meeting with the road. Power and grace are a rare combination.

It felt like the great escape today as, still occasionally, I feel guilty about taking a couple of hours off during the day. Fortunately I didn't need to jump the fence for freedom and only the hurdles in my mind could drag me back from where I had escaped.

The office, as suggested by bigman, should be converted into a cyclists cafe - an excellent idea. I'll do it the next time the Tour de France is in the village!!

Another great day on a classic route. We both felt great at the end of the ride - Sky's the limit!

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