Sunday 28 June 2009

Spinning on the inside.....

Another dreich day in Fife. As the rest of the UK basks in the heatwave we Fifers befitted from a cool easterly. Great for training, apart from the wind but not the scorcher that everyone else is having.

After a day running around I thought I'd take the opportunity to try out the spin bike. So I plugged in the iPod into the speakers and took on the sufferfest Climbing set - it's a fantastic workout. When I was training for IMNZ I would go to Bannatynes, who kindly let me use their spin bikes, and spin for sometimes up to 4 hours at a time. If you can imagine the torture of spinning for 4 hours it certainly built up the resolve for the 6 hour plus bike that is the middle part of the ironman triathlon.

The sufferfest works on a warm up, sprint set, tempo, then 2 big climbs, another sprint, tempo and then cool down. It's broken up with fab music that keeps you pumping along pushing a big resistance up the hills. I think that spinning is excellent for building strength.

So I thrashed away for an hour and then jumped on the treadmill for 15 minutes to cool down.

I got some information through this week about nutrition and it's the area I always let myself down.....I enjoy my food far too much and have a particularly sweet tooth so if I wasn't training as much I'd be back at 17 stone!

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