Monday 29 June 2009

In the land of the midnight sun.....

Work has taken me oop north - so far north I'm just about as far as you can go in mainland UK.

I drove up this morning passing many of the sights we passed on our last epic trip form Lands End to John O Groats non stop. The last outing was in September and rightfully has a blog of it's own. Six of us took on the challenge to cycle non stop from Lands End to JoG. The team included wingman, the fit one, duracell, Junior down from Aberdeenshire, another friend from Dunfermline and of course the bigman.

We were split into 2's and rode 4 hours on at a time. It was a cracking trip completed in 62 hours. The odd thing was today's drive brought back a load of great memories. I remembered the exact spot the bigman got the first and only puncture of the trip and the memorable climb up Berrydale Braes, the last really big one of the journey. It was a fab time (except for the sleep deprivation and mixed food!).

On arrival it was straight into a meeting which lasted 6 hours - I felt remarkably fresh and decided to go out for a wee run. A mini heatwave has hit Thurso and at 7pm when I went out running the temperature was still over 20 deg. I plodded out of town and headed up the hill. I felt good running, as I've mentioned it probably is my first love and the miles passed easily.

The run in itself was unremarkable other than the stunning beauty and joy that you get running in isolation on roads where no cars seem to exist. It was fab.

Tomorrow's another full day but if I get a chance I might run again - I brought plenty of kit!

So I lie in on my bed watching the sun slip down out of the window - I've always wanted to come this far north at this time of the year. It's been worth it!

PS It's dark at Wimbledon!

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