Tuesday 4 August 2009

Shiney happy bigman.....

Oh what a night......

I sent the bigman a text at lunchtime to find out his plans for this evening. So I pedalled over to Chez Bigman for 7pm and we set off into a balmy summer evening. The bigman sporting his winter jacket - handily a sweat jacket in the summer. The sauna bike rider is training like a boxer struggling to get down to his fighting weight! I'm really hoping the jacket gets a wash sooner rather than later!

The climb up through Townhill was easy on the new gears. The bigman led the way and we caught up on the weekend news. At the roadworks at the top of the hill the bigman followed the Fit One's green cross code and blasted through a slightly ungreen light - sadly I got held by an oncoming car the driver of which is no doubt discussing the state of the Fife cycle community......The bigman was off like a shot leaving me to face the wrath of the trog....

The climb to the top of Cleish passed easily and we crested in well under 30 minutes.

We turned into the wind towards Powmill and set up a train, sharing the wind and keeping up a pace of around 35kph - it was a hard stretch but very rewarding as we turned back towards Dunfermline happy with the effort. We got a nod of respect from the Stirling Tri boys out on their Tuesday night training set as we powered into the wind.

Cycling with the bigman you don't need to ask him to take over, he just knows and we cycle in harmony.

Turning towards knockhill the pace slowed slightly and we chatted once more about the bikes, future plans and the upcoming mountain bike challenge. We're doing a 10 hour continuous race in the next few weeks - should be a blast.

Anyway the final climb made for one final chance to show who was boss. I was truly undone. I was out of my seat straining every sinew when the bigman cruised up beside me, seated and cruising. I glanced over to see his shiny happy face smiling back at me. It cracked me up! Brilliant!

We parted at the bottom of the hill and I turned towards Saline happy with my nights training. 50km done at good pace - real good training session....

The bigman's domestique has a full day's rest before leading him out Cavendish style to what will be a new Aberdour Ascent record - he can't fail with an Ironman lead out can he.........

If he can get past......

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