Sunday 31 May 2009

Humble Pie is on the menu for Sunday Dinner

Today was another cracking day of sunshine. A 'cool down' run was organised with The Fit One and Bigman, to get a chance to spin the pedals and feel a piece of flat road underneath the tyres after the 95 miles of significant undulations yesterday. The Doc was also visiting from Kirkaldy and keen to get a few miles under his belt.

They met at the home of the Fit One and decided to take in the views from the Forth Road Bridge and head to the canal side bistro near Linlithgow which has tables outside. Perfect for a such a perfect day. The winds were light and out of the east.

Bigman opted to wear his pokerdot King of the Mountains cycle top which was purchased as a souvenir after the first Lejog in 2006. As he rolled up to the home of the Fit One, a wry smile appeared on the face of the Fit One. Red rags have been known to have less effect on a bull than wearing the King of the Mountains jersey on an outing with The Fit One. If the rise on the road is more than 100ft, you had better live up to the reputation of more famous hillclimbers or be prepared to enjoy a main course of humble pie! You wear the jersey and fail to venerate The Fit One at your peril.

The views from the Forth Bridge are spectacular at most times of the year, however, a summer's day dramatises the spectrum of colours. It should never be taken for granted that such fantastic scenery lives on our doorstep. There were hordes of walkers and cyclists of all shapes and sizes out enjoying the vista.

They breezed towards the canal bistro and the first 100ft plus climb meandered into view. The pace increased with all the subtlety of an MP's expenses claim. The Fit One gasped, he was in the wrong gears as the Bigman crested the rise. The humble pie was taken off the menu for a bit longer. Then disaster struck. No, not a puncture for the Bigman. The bistro was shut for the afternoon.......... no coffee cakes!

After a helping of disappointment the three headed for the Winchburgh road to face into the breeze back to Dunfermline. The Fit One tucked down on his tribars and cut through the wind with great ease. Bigman and The Doc benefitted significantly from drafting along behind.

As they entered Inverkeithing, The Fit One shot off up the hill faster than the air from an inner tube on a tack infested Etape road. Humble Pie was being put back on the menu as the threesome approached the Masterton Mound, a chunky vertical climb shorter but similar to the Uig climb of yesterday. The last 100+ ft climb of the day and at the end of the 32 mile circuit. The Fit One took out a metaphoric 'insurance policy' proclaiming an issue with his gear transmission from the big front cog to inner ring. The Doc would analyse the symptoms and proclaim the prognosis later. This was neither the time or the place. To the uninformed observer it may be down to lack of use, as the Fit One rarely uses the small cog as he has the ability to emulate the cycling style of the great Jan Ulrich using a hammering technique to great effect.

50 ft gone and the Bigman is in front. 100ft gone and the Fit One is dancing on the pedals, eating up the road and closing in on The Bigman fast. With the smell of humble pie oozing towards the nostrils of The Bigman, he stood up and kicked down and opened a gap between him and the Fit One and crests the rise first. The humble pie is back in the freezer. The Bigman can choose a different main course from the menu, but only for today. Tomorrow it could be so different.........

After the weekly five a side football, The Bigman weighs in as a checkpoint from the exercise over the weekend. A new record has been recorded. 13st 7lbs. Amazing. How light can this Bigman get. He is on the verge of becoming the Wee man

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