Tuesday 7 July 2009

It's all getting very real......

Not done much training for the last couple of days. A combination of rain, work and the feeling that I've been not taking enough rest led to me taking a couple of days off. Forecast is a bit mixed again today so I'll probably settle for a long spin session tonight and maybe a wee run.

I booked our accommodation in Cape Town yesterday and it's all getting a bit real now. They have opened up the rider pages on the ABSA Cape Epic website and I've updated my profile. As I was doing this I wondered how many other 46 year old, over weight, over ambitious and slightly insane people were doing the same thing.

We booked 2 nights in a 4* hotel with food, transfers and no worries when we arrive which takes all the hassle away from getting ourselves to where we should be - we'll already be there!

The kit list states that we need 4 sets of cycle kit so I wrote to a supplier last night to get a quotation for the Silent Wolf Scotland team kit (although the name is still available for any massive sponsorship deals out there!) - so once we get the design back I post the graphics on here and anyone who is interested can place an order. It will be good quality and potentially rival Columbia in next year's tour as the shirt to be wearing (at least before the mountain stages!).

Lat night was a bit surreal - as I completed the form for accommodation, the reality of heading to SA kicked in and taking on what is a massive personal challenge. I'm excited, nervous, scared and motivated in equal measure.

My big challenge as I continue to harp on about is my weight. I'm holding as I was a couple of weeks back but not losing. After our holidays the big effort will have to start. That is a big a challenge to me as all the training possibly more so.........

So I'll start again on my quest for perfect form. We're not able to be perfect though which I suppose is a good thing.......

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