Sunday 4 October 2009

The Duracell runs out of 'juice'

After the turbulent storms of yesterday, Fife was in comparative calm today. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, a great day for bagging some more cyccling miles.

With the bridge run abandoned yesterday, the posse opted to make a second bid for freedom from Fife. In the posse today, included The Fit One, Bigman, The Wee Yin, The Doc and The Duracell freshly energised from two days golfing. The storms led to the cancellation of the Dunhill Cup but, living up to the brand, the Duracell kept playing.

As the posse crossed into Lothians, the yachts were cruising below on the forth and several people were walking the mile long bridge for a Sunday afternoon stroll. The posse was heading for The Bistro Restaurant on the banks of the Union canal near to Linlithgow. As the team turned off the main road there is a slight rise up to the railway bridge, always a favourite spot for a bit of jousting as you race for the top. The Duracell on the Dawes Tourer, feeling fresh and energised from his golf, edged forward and was a half a wheel in front before the Bigman and The Fit One responded. It was as if someone forgot to put 50p in the meter and the lights of the challenge were extinguished. But this would not be the last dash for the line by The Duracell.

As shot of caffeine and malteser cake in the Bistro and the team were back on the road. But not before a text came through from the Ironman confirming his time at The Loch Ness MArathon. He will make public announcement later however, it is a brilliant time.

A breeze from the west carried the team back to Winchburgh and a left hand turn on to the link road with Newton. It was on the downhill, The Duracell saw the opportunity to make for a dash once again. What was less visible at that point was the rise after going under the M9. The Bigman and The Fit One agreed to let him build a lead as we would see him shortly. And so it came to pass, as the climb came into view, The Duracell nonchalantly eased off the gas in a sort of 'I didn't really mean to build a lead' sort of way.( ........... and hoping no-one would notice!)

As most were heading back to go out to five a sides, The Duracell opted to give the Mont Masterton a miss and take the direct route home. The remainder of the posse powered up the ascent as if it did not exist. Malteser cake can have that effect on you.

Another great day out and 56 kilometres nearer the Cape Epic.

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