Saturday 9 January 2010

3 men on a bike (static!)

Well it was an interesting morning. The possee met up to head to the gym at Cowdenbeath. Bigman, Fit One and myself. The Fit One was the nominated driver.

We arrived at the gym and were advised that we needed to be induced on the gym machines. It didn't happen. After paying the dosh to get in and getting changed we whisked straight into the gym and were off and running or cross training as the case was. I jumped on to the tready and did an interval session starting at 8mph for 5 minutes, 8.5mph for the next 5 mins, the intervals with a minute pushing the speed up to 9.5mph and completing 5 reps before dropping the speed back down to 8.5 and then 8mph as the build up. A good 30 minutes that burned 650 cals.

Onto the bike. The 3 amigoes riding beside each other. The Fit One spinning furiously, bigman climbing the longest hill in the gym and myself bashing out a session from the sufferfest. It started with some intervals, a tempo session and then a hill climb. 30 minutes of hard pushing generated a futher 350 calorie burn. We all used different training techniques to so the competition didn't exist.

Then onto weights. I'm not a great weights person but cracked on and did it anyway. Good to train with the guys. Very motivational and great craic between the exercises.

After the gym we headed over to the Bigmans house for a coffee and scone. It was a fantastic scone and Cafe Bigman should be opened soon. It was very cheap as well! Good to catch up with the Wee Yin and Little Nemo. We chatted long about diet and much advice was shared. After much consideration of the various suggestions I think I'll probably take on board the advice of Wee Yin 'Have a drink!'. She proffered with the wisdom of Solomon. She is a wise woman after all.

Can't wait for the snow to melt......

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