Monday 18 January 2010

Monday night blues

It's Monday. Such a short sentence with so much meaning especially if you are on a training regime.

A text from The Fit One in the afternoon advising he would miss Spinn8ing tonight after pulling a tendon. It would be a solo session.

Bigman was about to head home from the train station at Inverkeithing at 18:50 when a call came from Ironman saying he was going spinning at Cowdenbeath. The plan had been to go home have something to eat then head to spinning for a bit of training variety.

A quick decision meant it was straight to the gym for a warm up on the step machine. Even before the radiowaves had disappeared into the ether, Ironman was back on the blower to cancel his arrangements - work got on the way.

His original call was enough to inspire an extra 45 mins of gym work - 30 minutes on the step machine and 15 minutes on a range of weights.

The spin class was murder. Why does 45 seconds always feel like 45 minutes when you are counting down to the end of the track. Several times Bigman imagined this was the Witches Hat stage in the Cape Epic.

Another night closer to the Cape Epic and one less training night to go. With one night off per week, that means there are only 52 more training days until the bikes are packed and shipped.
Not long in the scheme of things, and the pay back will be immense.

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